

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Happy New Year

Go Bucs!
Unfortunately, our 2013 has not been off to a good start.  On New Year’s Eve, MJ and Ty came down with the flu (as in THE flu, not just a bug)…and before you ask, yes we ALL had our flu shots.  As the fireworks went off at midnight, I was rocking my poor little Ty Ty back to sleep.  Both of them were up all night long- aching from the virus as well as their high fevers.  On New Year’s Day, my poor husband came down with it as well.  It was a pitiful sight- me trying to take care of my boys (who were quarantined in the basement) and at the same time keeping Catelin as far away from them as possible. 
A few days later, everyone seemed to be turning a corner…and then I got it.  I was so hoping that somehow the vaccine had protected me, but my fever started climbing – all the way up to 104.  Just when I hit rock bottom and thought things couldn’t get worse, they did.  Steve started going back downhill- he was wheezing and couldn’t take a deep breath.  He went to urgent care and my fear was confirmed…he had DOUBLE pneumonia.  We were not in any shape to take care of three small children, so my mom (who is now officially an angel) drove down and took care of the kids for almost 3 days.  Thank you, thank you, thank you mom- I have no idea what we would have done without you. 
We did go to the Bucs vs. Falcons home game prior to everyone falling ill.  Catelin stayed home with Ms. Lisa while MJ and Ty came along for the ride.  They had an absolute blast cheering on Uncle Andrew!
We even got to see Uncle Andrew in the family area after the game!

We are all feeling much better- it is going to take Steve awhile to get back to 100%, so please say some prayers!  (And pray that Catelin stays healthy- she hasn’t gotten it thus far!)


1 comment:

  1. Praying that Catelin stays healthy! You really don't appreciate your health until the whole family gets sick. We just all got over a stomach virus - not fun :)
