And that little girl? Well, she is the most precious little princess in the world. The boys embraced her as part of our family instantly; it was as though she had been part of our lives forever.
Our big girl has grown and grown and grown; here are her official one year stats…
Weight: just shy of 26 pounds (25 lbs, 14 oz) – (97%)
Height: 32.25” -(>>99%)
The girl can eat. I find it hilarious that she won’t touch a fruit (even if it is green) but loves vegetables. In fact, her favorite food is green beans. She loves waffles, pancakes, raisin toast, grilled cheese, chicken fingers, etc. She is mostly on table foods but occasionally I will give her a jar of baby food if she doesn’t rebel against the spoon. Her ten teeth (including two molars) have made it much easier for her to eat all these new foods!
I cheated and switched her to whole milk a month ago because I just couldn’t stand the formula any more. She had absolutely no problem with it and actually seems to prefer the milk. I am going to try to wean her down to two bottles a day but right now she still gets three.
She has always been a good sleeper (thanks to moms on call) and continues to sleep over 12 hours at night with 2 naps during the day (about 1.5-2 hours each).
She really isn’t close to walking at this point. She absolutely LOVES to boot-scoot (and apparently people love to watch it; any time someone sees her do it they stop, laugh and tell me how impressive it is!). She will crawl just a little bit until she sits herself back up - she knows she can get there MUCH faster through the scoot than the crawl.
Her favorite toys are her new laugh and learn kitchen, fisher price walker, and basically any toy(s) her brothers are playing with.
Catelin loves MJ and Ty – she is always looking around for them and gets upset if she can’t find them. They are really very good about including her in play time…but they also love to tease her…
Catelin loves to dance and gets so excited when we turn music on for her. She claps and shakes her little head and tush; it is hilarious. She likes to play peek-a-boo and imitate the actions of others. Her words include “mama”, “dada” and a whole bunch of other babbles – I’m sure she knows exactly what she is saying but I am still trying to figure it out.
We had her first birthday “party” at our house- it was really just a cookout with our families (we missed you Ann, Jeff and baby Camden and Andrew, Leah and new baby Jaxson!) but it was just perfect.
She loved everyone singing “Happy Birthday” to her but she didn’t really like the cake very much – she must not have inherited mommy’s sweet tooth (or maybe she just hasn’t developed it yet!).
Ms. Lisa tried her best to get a family picture but you know how that usually goes….
Happy one year my precious baby girl!
Haha. Love the family pics. Happy 1st birthday to Catelin! I can't believe it has already been a year!